Can print on demand be profitable?

Can print on demand be profitable?
Tips & Advice
June, 2023
5 min read

Have you ever asked yourself "can print on demand be profitable?" It requires time and discipline to start a business that relies on print-on-demand but it can be very rewarding. Truth is, it can be quite lucrative if you know what you are doing.

The global online shopping market size nearly hit 4.9 trillion U.S. dollars in 2021. In the US alone, it is expected to have 300 million online shoppers in 2023. As internet adoption is rapidly increasing worldwide and the eCommerce industry continues to develop, it's time for you to start your online business.

There are an estimated 24 million eCommerce sites across the world, with more and more being created every single day. If these numbers make you think it’s a competitive market — don’t worry. Less than 1 million of those sites sell more than $1,000/year, so there’s tons of room for growth.

And as building your own website becomes easier for everyone, having a digital business is becoming a popular way for more people to make money online. In particular, a large portion of the eCommerce industry is based on print-on-demand businesses; the market has risen rapidly in the last several years and shows no signs of slowing down.

So now that you have an idea of the size of the eCommerce and the POD industry, let's ask ourselves two basic questions:

What Is Print On Demand?

You have a great idea for t-shirts , socks, mugs or any other products. That idea is providing value to your prospective customers. You’re getting positive feedback on your designs from friends and familiy. So you decide that this idea is going to be your next billion dollar idea. How do you start it? You start by finding space in a city and renting a place to start building it out? Wrong. You find space on the internet and you start a print-on-demand e-commerce store.

Print on demand is a cost-effective process where you work with a supplier to turn your digital designs into tangible products.

As you don’t pay for the cost of the product until after you’ve actually sold it, it means more control over your inventory, which utimately translates into significant savings and resources for your business.

A print-on-demand provider will handle most of the product production and shipping cycle. You only need eye-catching designs, product configuration, a merketing strategy and online sales!

Is printing on demand profitable?

The print-on-demand industry is, undoubtedly, a profitable niche. It is, after all, one of the fastest growing market in today's economy and has been so since its inception almost 20 years ago. So yes, Print on demand is lucrative and a terrific way to set up your eCommerce store. Whether you are a designer, writer or entrepreneur, print-on-demand can be the perfect canvas to monetize your creativity.

Of course, there are many things to consider: Your design talents, the marketing approach or the platform you choose. However, if you're a fan of making things yourself and selling them online, this is the right industry for you.

Print on demand is a business that, at first glance, appears to be an easy one: Design, upload and print your own t-shirt and voila! Ready to earn loads of money! But as in any venture, there are ups and downs to be reached in order to generate the income you desire. Here, we'll go through how to earn money with Print on demand and some tips to manage your eCommerce. Let's get started!


Tips for increasing the profitability of your Print-on-Demand business.

1. Selection of Niche

Selection of niche is an essential step to start any E-commerce business. A broad POD shop will be more challenging to promote and will not have a specific audience in mind. So it's critical to ponder what kind of store you need before getting started. It might be thought-provoking to find a successful niche.

It's critical to start a business in a field you're enthusiastic about if you want to stay in business for a long time.

You may do keyword research on Google using an SEO tool. Finding a market with high volume yet minimal competition is your goal.

2. Sell a Variety of Products.

Selling a variety of products is a very important aspect when it comes to starting an online print on demand shop. After all, it's unpredictable what is going to be hot or not and if you rely on one thing to bring in the majority of your income, you'll be missing out on opportunities.

Content is the king. If you provide useful or entertaining content on your website then people will connect to it and recommend you that way. But for this to happen, you need some high-quality designs on your website. You can hire a graphic designer for this purpose or find online services dedicated to sharing graphic resources like illustrations, photos or icons.

This will reduce the amount of copyright violations significantly and help you sell more goods with little effort!

3. Don't Compromise on Quality

One of the most critical things to keep in mind is never compromising on the quality of your products. If you have to use the extra cash on your products, go for it. Sometimes printing costs might quickly lead to spending more than the money you generate from selling your printed things.

However, if your printed quality is low, your consumers will catch on and will no longer want to do business with you. Print-on-demand offers a wide variety of platforms, so if one doesn't work for you, it's easy to switch to a new one. You may thus compare prices on all of these sites.

4. Market Your Products

Social media presence and SEO on your shop are two critical components of successfully marketing your print-on-demand products. Social media is a superb tool for getting your goods noticed.

Share your work with the world, showcase your latest designs, cultivate a fan base, and much more with the help of social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest are some of the best places for social marketing.

5. Produce Engaging Social Media Content

The majority of e-commerce platforms depend significantly on content marketing to spread the word about their goods and services. To keep your print-on-demand website's post fresh, publish roundups, reviews, and other material regularly.


There are ups and downs in any business. In the case of Print on Demand, there is no difference. Yes, you can earn money using print-on-demand. However, to be successful, you must work hard. As a business owner, you will need to do market research to find what works best.

Knowing what works and what doesn't will take some time and experimentation. Take your time, and don't expect to generate money in the first few days. To succeed, you'll need to persevere through the tough times and not give up too quickly.

Wishing you all the success and congratulation to you on becoming your boss.

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